ENT Clinic Sydney

What Are the Symptoms of Thyroid Diseases?

Symptoms of Thyroid Disease

The symptoms of thyroid disease are going to vary from one person to the next. The symptoms depend on the type of thyroid problem. Thyroid hormone imbalance may be due to hypothyroidism – an underactive thyroid, or hyperthyroidism – an overactive thyroid. For both conditions, the symptoms may develop over a variable time frame. Many of the symptoms may be mistaken for the common signs that accompany aging.

Hyperthyroidism Symptoms

Hypothyroidism Symptoms

If you have concerns regarding possible symptoms relating to thyroid disease, consult their doctor.

When visiting the doctor, he or she will question you about their symptoms of thyroid disorder. A physical exam will also be conducted. Simple blood tests will often be performed to determine if the thyroid hormone levels in the bloodstream are too high or too low. Once all of the needed information has been gathered from the tests, your doctor will discuss the results and recommend an appropriate treatment plan.

In most instances, thyroid hormone imbalance can be treated with medical management. The medication prescribed must be taken on a daily basis. After starting treatment – the majority of patients begin to notice a marked improvement in their symptoms within 1-2 weeks time. Most symptoms should disappear altogether within 2-3 months. The good news is that both conditions are fairly routine to treat. For patients who have hyperthyroidism not responsive to medical management, other treatment options are available.

Occasional follow up visits to the doctor’s office will also be required. For patients who have hypothyroidism, thyroid hormone dosages may need to be adjusted periodically to adequately supplement your body’s thyroid hormone requirement. Receiving too little or too much of the thyroid hormone could potentially be harmful, particularly for pregnant women.

Certain signs can be easy to miss – so pre-emptive testing is recommended for:

The symptoms of thyroid disease can worsen over time if left untreated. This can affect your quality of life. It is important, especially those with a history of thyroid disorders in their family to watch out for these symptoms. Prompt treatment is recommended.

If you have questions or concerns about thyroid problems see your local doctor who will arrange for you to see a thyroid surgeon.

For more information about thyroid gland disorders click here.

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