DIY Speech Pathology Resources
Identifying emotions can be difficult for many children and young adults on the Autism Spectrum and for those with pragmatic difficulties. This can be a real struggle to deal with on a day-to-day basis. When you cannot identify how others around you are feeling, it can be hard to connect and respond appropriately. Therapy for difficulties with emotion identification often comes in the form of drill practice in recognising facial expressions. This can often be dry and repetitive.
I have come across an excellent tool lately that can make emotion identification more engaging and fun. This is a game called emotions bingo. You can create your own based on emotions that your child struggles to identify. Do not forget to add in some that they are able to identify so they can still enjoy the game.
Here are the steps to create your own Emotions Bingo game:
- Download the attached grid
- Take pictures of yourself and other family members or friends doing different faces with mixed emotions such as happy, sad, angry, surprised and any others that your child may struggle with.
- Print the pictures out and attach them to the board or upload them into the attached grid, one in each box. Make sure to have an even amount of each emotion on each board placed in various places so no two boards look the same.
- Print and cut out an extra copy of each face. Place the faces in a pile to be drawn out.
- Use small counters to place on the board to keep track of the emotions that have been drawn out. Use any small object if you do not have counters such as shells, small pebbles etc.
- Once you have all the pieces ready to go, you can start the game by drawing out one by one the faces cards and naming the emotion shown on the face. Place a marker on each of the faces that matches the card that was drawn out. The first to fill a row is the winner.
Contact us for results focused speech therapy
Ashleigh Fattah is a Speech Pathology Australia member and Speech Pathologist in Sydney. If you have speech pathology related questions, make an appointment. We‘ll provide you with simple and effective therapy targeted to your concerns. Contact us today.
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